The biotech boom: considerations for sustained sector growth

Biotechnology is continuing to grow and, in doing so, is improving both quality of life and the environment. In this article we look in more detail at the current state of the biotech industry.

3 mins read
Scientific Blog Biotech Hero Image

7 months ago

​In recent years, the World has witnessed a remarkable resurgence in the biotech sector.

This surge is reshaping the landscape of life sciences – growing from USD 366.7 billion in 2022 to USD 412.2 billion in 2023. Recent developments in biotech innovation address some of the world’s most pressing challenges, from human health to environmental degradation, to food security.

Biotech growth in the world

Scientists are making great leaps in gene-editing technology – heralding a new era of possibilities in enhancing cell research and, ultimately, curing infectious diseases.

One exciting venture is the Synthetic Yeast Genome Project, the creation of synthetic versions of all the organism’s chromosomes. This breakthrough has paved the way for designer yeasts with metabolic pathways tailored to make biofuels from diverse materials.

This example shows the sector has come a long way – creating a strong foothold for innovation. There will always be challenges. These challenges include the need for strong financial support, top research institutions, a thriving startup environment, and skilled scientists and researchers.

Biotech companies in Cambridge, Oxford, and London are using advanced technology to solve important scientific problems, leading to new job opportunities.

Developing a highly skilled industry

Let’s look at two key job roles needed to continue the sector’s growth.

Molecular biologists, especially those with expertise in cell line engineering, are crucial for the development of robust and reliable cell models that are essential for drug discovery, therapeutic protein production, and understanding complex biological processes. Their ability to manipulate and optimize cell lines can significantly accelerate research and development timelines.

Specialist bioinformaticians play a pivotal role in managing and interpreting the vast amounts of data generated by modern biotechnological processes. Their skills in data analysis, algorithm development, and computational biology are indispensable for translating raw data into meaningful insights, thus driving innovation and progress in the field.

Together, these experts contribute to the cutting-edge advancements that define the biotech industry and are needed to keep businesses on an upward trajectory.

Gene-editing leading the way

At the forefront of this biotech revolution is gene-editing technology, which holds immense promise in curing infections and revolutionizing cell research. Nobel prize-winning CRISPR tech, in particular, has emerged as a powerful tool for precisely modifying genes, offering unprecedented opportunities to address genetic diseases and develop new theories around treatment.

Gene editing’s impact on infection treatment is profound. It offers the potential to drive out persistent viral infections like the aforementioned HIV, presenting new options in the fight to find cures. Its role in combating the Covid-19 pandemic also highlights the versatility and promise of gene-editing as an antiviral modality.

By precisely targeting and disabling viral genes, researchers are paving the way for advanced treatments that could render once-deadly infections manageable or even curable.

The power of investment

While the potential of gene-editing technology and other biotech innovations is undeniable, the discussion will once again turn to investment to keep advancing research. As the boundaries of scientific innovation are pushed, extensive life sciences funding can drive several positive outcomes, including:

  • Research and development: increased investment enables biotech companies to accelerate their research and development efforts. Scientists can explore novel therapies, diagnostics, and technologies that address critical health and environmental challenges.

  • Clinical trials: funding supports clinical trials, allowing promising treatments to advance from the lab to real-world applications. These trials are essential for validating safety and effectiveness.

  • Job creation: a thriving biotech sector creates jobs across various disciplines, including research, manufacturing, engineering, and product development. Employment opportunities contribute to economic stability.

It’s worth noting that once investment is secured, there needs to be substantial collaboration between academics, industry leaders, and personnel at regulatory bodies to help steer towards scientific breakthroughs, economic prosperity, and global influence.

Looking ahead

Harnessing the collective expertise and skill of the biotech community could lead to an opportunity to redefine cell research and provide universal access to life-saving treatments. This means that policymakers hoping to boost the biotech industry need to listen to the wants and needs of the sector, including the importance of R&D tax credits for research-intensive startups, the ongoing availability of patient capital, and the need for funding and facilities that can be scaled up when necessary.

Looking for your next hire or considering your next career move in the scientific space? Contact our specialist consultants today.

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HR CV template
3 mins read

HR CV template

[Full Name]
[Home address]
[Contact Number] • [Email Address]

Personal Statement

This section is your chance to summarise the rest of the CV, and convince the recruiter to get in touch. It is important to keep it brief, between 50-200 words and outline who you are, the skills you have to offer and your career aim.

I have gained valuable experience in [area of expertise] at [organisation name], and have a particular wealth of experience and skill in [specific area]. I have a [CIPD or equivalent e.g. Masters] in HR at level [add level i.e. MCIPD or state when you will finish], and am now an [industry] professional.

My important achievements include working alongside the [team name] team at [organisation], and contributing to projects including [project name]. I was responsible for/organised [task] and increased [profit/other metric] by [£X/X%].

I am looking for my next opportunity within an [business type/industry] organisation, where I can bring real value and develop my skills further.


This is your chance to talk about your qualifications, academic and vocational. You should give detail about what you studied, where and when, and list them in chronological order. If you have many of one qualification, such as GCSEs you might find it useful to group them together.

Professional HR Qualification

[College/School Name]
[Course Studied]


  • [Subject] – [Grade]

  • [Subject] – [Grade]

  • [Subject] – [Grade]

[College/School Name]


  • [Number] GCSEs, grades [range], including Maths and English

Overview of Career Achievements

Bullet point several main achievements and/or projects you have either implemented or assisted with, throughout your whole career. You could add some impressive figures to make a real impact.

  • July 2015 – organised a project with a major charity

  • TUPE Projects

Career History

This should be brief and, as a general rule of thumb, focus on the last five years of your career, or last three roles, in chronological order with the most recent at the top. You should highlight your key achievements, and use bullet points rather than lengthy descriptions.

Remember to show development on how you progressed/took on more responsibility, and always detail system experience on this part of your CV.

[Job Title], [Company Name] [Location]

  • Nature of business e.g. retail

  • Reason for leaving e.g. contract


  • Reporting line and team e.g. reporting to the Head of HR within a team of five – this is very important within an HR CV as it shows what environment you worked in

  • Responsible for X number of employees, and several client groups consisting of sales, marketing clients etc. (this part is often missed out of most CVs)

  • Break down the employee life cycle – add facts and figures (this can be huge due to how big the cycle is – so be punchy with points and make it relevant to the job you are applying for)


  1. Recruitment e.g. implemented rec strategy / rec 5 complex roles

  2. Learning and development training e.g. supported a management development programme

  3. Reward & compensation e.g. managed and was lead on key reward projects

  4. Employee relations e.g. provided support and advice on ER matters, managed and reported on absences etc.

  5. HR projects e.g. met deadlines and individual timelines for three projects I ran simultaneously

Hobbies and Interests

This section is not essential to include, but you may wish to depending on the role you are applying for. It can be a useful chance to show a little more of your personality. However, be warned this can be very subjective, ensure anything listed here reinforces your application and the idea that you’ll be the right fit for the role. If you don’t have any real relatable hobbies, it is probably best to omit this section.

I organise a weekly [sport] game, manage bookings, transport and help to coach the team.

Undertook a [course] in order to improve my [skill].


References are available upon request.

The importance of ADHD understanding in education
4 mins read

The importance of ADHD understanding in education

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects both children and adults. It is characterised by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which can significantly impact daily life and functioning.

As a well-recognised condition, October is the month focused on increasing awareness and support available for those affected. The exact cause of ADHD is not fully understood, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

It is a lifelong condition that you are born with, and is often diagnosed in childhood, however, as awareness increases, many adults now find themselves seeking diagnosis.

ADHD classifications

There are three clinically recognised types of ADHD, these are:

Inattentive type (ADHD-I)

Symptoms: Difficulty sustaining attention, easily distracted, forgetfulness, and trouble organising tasks. Individuals may appear daydreamy and slow to process information.

Common in: More frequently diagnosed in girls, who may not exhibit hyperactive behaviours.

Hyperactive-impulsive type (ADHD-HI)

Symptoms: Excessive fidgeting, difficulty staying seated, talking excessively, and acting without thinking. These individuals are often described as being “on the go” and may struggle with waiting their turn.

Common in: More commonly diagnosed in boys, who may display more hyperactive behaviours.

Combine type (ADHD-C)

Symptoms: A combination of inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms. This is the most common type of ADHD, where individuals exhibit a mix of both sets of symptoms.

Common in: Both boys and girls, as it encompasses a broader range of behaviours.

However, what you must remember is that though these are ‘typical’ definitions, each type presents differently in individuals. For example, a student might frequently lose their homework, forget to bring the necessary materials to class, and have difficulty following through on instructions. Or one of your teaching colleagues could find it challenging to manage their time effectively and miss important deadlines or forget they have meetings.

Whatever the symptoms, in my experience, if supported with the right understanding, tools and resources, those with ADHD can thrive, just as well, if not more, than those that don’t have it.

Why is raising awareness so important in education?

Raising awareness of ADHD in schools is crucial for fostering an environment where both staff and students can thrive. When educators have a deeper understanding of ADHD, they are better equipped to provide the necessary support for students who live with the condition. Too often, these students face challenges that, without proper awareness, go unrecognised or misunderstood.

Educators who are informed about ADHD can tailor their approach, offering strategies such as breaking down instructions, simplifying tasks, and providing more consistent feedback. These small yet impactful adjustments can make a significant difference in a student’s academic experience, ensuring they have the same opportunities for success as their peers.

Another benefit of increased awareness is the potential for early identification of ADHD. Many students go through their school years undiagnosed, struggling with focus, organisation, or impulsive behaviours that are misinterpreted as behavioural issues. When ADHD is identified early, schools can work in partnership with parents and specialists to intervene before these struggles manifest into more significant academic or social difficulties. Early intervention gives students the tools they need to manage their symptoms effectively, which can positively impact their long-term success and mental well-being.

Equally important is addressing the stigma that still surrounds ADHD - it’s getting better, but we are a long way off yet. Far too often, students with ADHD are labelled as ‘lazy’, ‘disruptive’ or ‘difficult’, when they’re grappling with neurological differences that affect their ability to concentrate and regulate their behaviour. Raising awareness helps dismantle these harmful stereotypes, replacing them with empathy and understanding.

As schools become more inclusive and accepting of diverse learning needs, students with ADHD will feel more supported and less isolated. This shift in perspective not only benefits the individuals with ADHD but also enriches the school culture, creating a more compassionate and collaborative community.

Beyond the classroom, raising awareness among students is just as vital. When pupils understand ADHD, particularly those who are diagnosed with it, they can better advocate for themselves. Self-awareness allows them to take charge of their learning, request the support they need, and develop coping strategies that can serve them throughout their educational journey and into adulthood. Empowering students in this way builds their confidence and fosters resilience.

Ideas to help raise awareness in your school

October is ADHD Awareness Month, a prime time for pupils and staff alike to focus on ADHD in your school or Trust.

Why not celebrate the achievements of those with ADHD in an assembly, get an expert to come into school and explain what ADHD is to staff and pupils, perhaps you could encourage children to create a short play on the topic, or even write an essay or short story.

Whatever you chose to do, remember that a school culture which embraces an understanding of ADHD ultimately becomes stronger, more compassionate, and better equipped to nurture every learner and staff member.

Watch our webinar 'Empowering workplaces: navigating ADHD'.

Business support senior CV template
2 mins read

Business support senior CV template

​[Full Name]
[Home address]
[Contact Number] • [Email Address]

Personal statement

This section is your chance to summarise the rest of the CV, and convince the recruiter to get in touch. It is important to keep it brief, between 50-200 words and outline who you are, the skills you have to offer, and your career aim.

I have [number of years] experience as a [job title], and am highly skilled in [technologies/systems/area of expertise] thanks to my roles with [previous employers].

During my time with [organisation], I was responsible for/organised [task], and increased [profit/other metric] by [£X/X%]. My other notable achievements include [awards/leading teams/implementing change].

I am looking for an opportunity within an [business type/industry] organisation, where I can bring significant value and continue to develop my skills further.


This is your chance to talk about your qualifications, academic and vocational. You should give detail about what you studied, where and when, and list them in chronological order. If you have many of one qualification, such as GCSEs, you might find it useful to group them together.

[College/School Name]
[Date M/Y– Date M/Y]


  • [Subject] – [Grade]

  • [Subject] – [Grade]

  • [Subject] – [Grade]

[College/School Name]
[Date M/Y– Date M/Y]


  • [Number] GCSEs, grades [range], including Maths and English.

Work experience

This should be brief and, as a general rule of thumb, focus on the last five years of your career, or last three roles, in chronological order, with most recent at the top. You should highlight your key achievements, and use bullet points rather than lengthy descriptions.

[Job Title], [Company Name], [Location]
[Date M/Y- Date M/Y]

Achievements and responsibilities:

  • Brief role overview

  • Work alongside [team] to produce [project]

  • Implemented [change] which resulted in [benefit]

  • Received an [award name] for [reason]

Hobbies and interests

This section is not essential to include, but you may wish to, depending on the role you are applying for. It can be a useful chance to show a little more of your personality. However, be warned this can be very subjective, ensure anything listed here reinforces your application, and the idea that you’ll be the right fit for the role. If you don’t have any real relatable hobbies, it is probably best to omit this section:

I organise a weekly [sport] game, manage bookings, transport and help to coach the team.

Undertook a [course] in order to improve my [skill].


References are available upon request.